Yogurt Trivia
With a history of over 4000 years yogurt have spread worldwide and are common in all cultures and in some it’s even a delicacy served during banquets and happy occasions. Many health experts are recommending yogurt with live cultures as health food and with the growing trend of health consciousness among people yogurt is set to be around even longer.
Yogurt has been called food of the gods in ancient India. The live culture inside yogurts holds immense benefits to our health especially our gastro intestines. There is a saying that we are what we eat and this saying fits yogurt perfectly.
Yogurt Nutrient
Yogurt is produced from milk so it contains all the nutritional value that is in milk such as protein, calcium, Vitamin B2 and B12, potassium and many more. Unlike milk however yogurt is suitable for people that are lactose intolerant as the lactose inside milk have been broken down by beneficial bacteria thus allowing those with lactose intolerance consume yogurt without fear of the effects of lactose intolerance.
Live & Active Culture
Our yogurts are enhanced even further with 5 billion encapsulated beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Longum, L. Paracase, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and various other beneficial bacteria perevery 100 gram of our Moringa Fruity Yogurt.
These beneficial bacteria helps relieve and prevent constipation and diarrhea, helps with lactose intolerance by breaking down lactose, restores bacteria colony balance in the gastro intestines, inhibits growth of bad bacteria, boost immune system, maintain health of urinary tract as well as inhibiting the development of colon cancer.
Other than that they are also capable or lowering cholesterol levels as well as showing anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic properties. The list however does not end here. There are many more benefits that the friendly bacteria provides to us making this truly a food of the gods.
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